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  3. A First for Local Government in Tohoku! Sendai Sightseeing City Loop Bus “Loople Sendai” will begin a trial to allow customers to board using contactless payment methods such as credit cards.

A First for Local Government in Tohoku! Sendai Sightseeing City Loop Bus “Loople Sendai” will begin a trial to allow customers to board using contactless payment methods such as credit cards.


We will be conducting a trial run on the Loople Sendai service to allow passengers to pay fares by tapping on a dedicated payment terminal when they get on/off the bus using a card with the Tap to Pay symbol (credit, debit, or prepaid cards), or a smartphone which can make card payments.


○ Trial Period

October 1(Tue), 2024 - March 31(Tue), 2026


○ Usable services

All Loople Sendai buses

*Contactless payment may not be available on temporary buses in operation due to congestion levels, etc.

In such cases, please use cash, a transportation IC card, or a one-day pass.

*Contactless payments cannot be used on city buses or the subway.


○ Accepted cards and devices

Credit cards with the following symbols can be used




Credit cards, debit cards or prepaid cards that have the Tap to Pay symbol are accepted, from companies such as Visa, JCB, American Express, Diners Club, Discover, and UnionPay. Please inquire with the company mentioned on the back side of your card for details.

*We plan to expand compatability to MastercardⓇ brands.

・You can also use devices such as smartphones and wearable devices by linking them to cards from the designated brands.

Please contact your card company to find out whether your card from one of the accepted card brands above can be linked to your smartphone.


○Using contactless payments



・You can pay bus fares by tapping your eligible card to the payment terminal, (which differs from an IC card reader), when you get on/off the Loople Sendai bus.

・Pre-registration is not required. Payments are made by simply tapping your card on the dedicated payment terminal.

・If you are eligible for reduced disability fares or are paying for multiple people or children, please let the bus staff know before tapping your card on the payment terminal.

・Please keep your card or device close to the terminal until it reacts.

 Please tap cards after taking them out of your wallet or case as they might not be read correctly.

・The fare is the same as the regular Loople Sendai fare (260 yen for adults, 130 yen for children).



○System for the Waiving of Fares Above the Upper Limit

This trial will also verify the effectiveness of a system to waive fares when a customer reaches the predetermined upper limit on usage.

This is a system that sets a daily upper limit for bus fares (630 yen for adults including those eligible for a disability discount; 320 yen for children including those eligible for a disability discount). Once a customer has reached the upper limit for the day, fares for following trips are waived (free of charge).

If you would like to check your own usage history or the trips for which fares were waived, you can use the website “Q-move". This website is provided by QUADRAC, a company that provides payment and authentication platforms for transportation companies.

(You will need to register as a member via the “My Page" section.)




<Notes on the system for the waiving of fares>

① This system only applies for those who pay using the same card number and the same card or device for all their trips in one day.

(For example, even if the card number is the same, contactless payments with a credit card and contactless payments with a smartphone will not be calculated together because they are different payment methods.)

② For those that making payments for multiple people at once, fares will be waived for one adult and one child only.

E.g. below) In the case where two adults and two children pay at once when boarding, only one adult and one child will have their fares waived after the upper limit, and the normal fare (260 yen for adults, 130 yen for children) will continue to be applied for the others.




*The red frame indicates those whose fares are waived.

③Even after the upper limit is reached, regular fares will be displayed on the payment terminal when getting off the bus. You can check your usage history and the trips for which fares were waived on the Q-move website.

④Even if the upper limit system is applied, you will not be able to receive the same benefits at facilities along the bus route as you would with a paper one-day pass. If you would like to receive benefits, please purchase a paper one-day pass.


○Frequently Asked Questions



○Confirming your contactless payment usage history

 Please visit the Q-move website (https://q-move.info/) and register as a member through the “My Page" section to access the service. This website is provided by QUADRAC, a company that provides payment platforms for transportation companies,

*Creating an account is free of charge, and there are no fees for registration or annual fees.

 Please note fees for data consumption incurred during use are the user’s responsibility.




○Contact Information

・General inquiries regarding contactless payments on Loople Sendai

Sendai City Cultural and Tourism Bureau, Tourism Section 022-214-8259

・Inquiries regarding refunds, etc.

Sendai City Transportation Bureau, Planning and Finance Section 022-712-8313

・Inquiries regarding the operation of Loople Sendai

Sendai City Transportation Bureau, Transportation Services Section 022-712-8317